Add Affiliate To Affiliate Referral Contract

Affiliate API Endpoint:


To add an affiliate to an affiliate referral contract on Explodely, send below parameters as POST to the affiliate API endpoint.

username - Your Explodely account username

apikey - Your Explodely account API key

apiaction - This should always be set as "addafftoaffcontract"

contractid - Explodely affiiate referral contract ID

affid - Expodely affiliate account username which will be added to the contract as referral


The API endpoint returns a JSON object.

{"error":"invalidapikey"} - This is returned when the API key and username is not authenticated.

{"error":"invalid_contractid"} - This is returned when the provided contract ID is invalid.

{"error":"invalid_affid"} - This is returned when the provided aff ID is invalid.

{"error":"affid_exists"} - This is returned when the provided aff ID already exists in one of your affiliate contracts.

{"error":"unauthorized_contract_access"} - This is returned when the contract ID provided does not belong to the API account.

{"added":"ok"} - This is returned when the affiliate has been successfully added.

Last updated