Private Affiliate Payouts

Affiliate API Endpoint:


To set a private affiliate payout, you need to send below parameters as GET to the affiliate API endpoint.

username - Your Explodely account username

apikey - Your Explodely account API key

apiaction - This should always be set as "addprivatepayout"

affid - This is the Explodely affiliate username for which you wish to set private payout

productid - Your Explodely account product ID for which you wish to provide the above affiliate private payout. It can be a product ID or it can be "allproducts" if you wish to set it for all products.

comm - The % in number (between 1-80) which you wish to set as private affiliate commission


The API endpoint returns a JSON object.

{"error":"invalidapikey"} - This is returned when the API key and username is not authenticated.

{"error":"invalid_sellerid"} - This is returned when the username is not a valid seller account.

{"error":"invalid_affid"} - This is returned when the provided affid (affiliate username) is not a valid affiliate account.

{"error":"invalid_productid"} - This is returned when the productid is not valid.

{"error":"unauthorized_access"} - This is returned when the product ID does not belong to the API user account.

{"error":"comm_range_1_80"} - This is returned when the comm value is not within range.

{"error":"comm_not_numeric"} - This is returned when the comm value is not numeric.

{"error":"payout_exists"} - This is returned when a private affiliate payout for the provided affid already exists.

{"payoutadded":"ok"} - This is returned when the private affiliate payout is added.

Please confirm the addition of private affiliate payout inside your seller account using a test affiliate ID and in case of any issues, contact Explodely support.

Last updated